AbMat Belt Squat Cover Review
I’m sure many of you are familiar with the company AbMat and their countless, innovative products that they offer. Well, today we are going to be taking a look at their Belt Squat Cover! Designed to help make belt squatting more comfortable, the Belt Squat Cover is a thick, padded cover that encases your existing belt squat belt.
The Belt Squat Cover, or BSC, is made out of a thick neoprene material. This is the same material that most wetsuits are made out of, so it has the added benefit of being moisture and sweat wicking. This helps it to stay dry and sweat free during even your most intense of workouts!
Sewn into the back side of the cover is a 1/2 inch thick pad that is designed to provide maximal comfort when performing belt squats.
A heavy duty plastic zipper is also stitched into the BSC which allows you to easily insert your existing belt squat belt into the cover. Simply unzip, feed each end of your belt into it, and rezip to start using the Belt Squat Cover!
After having used the AbMat Belt Squat Cover for about 6 months, I am pleased to say that it has held up extremely well. The stitching still looks great, with no fraying in sight, and the zipper functions just as good today as it did on day one.
Because of the pad sewn into the back side of the BSC, along with its thick material in general, it has made belt squats significantly more comfortable and enjoyable. Prior to using the Belt Squat Cover, both myself and my wife would regularly get large bruises on our hips and thighs when performing belt squats. This is no longer the case now that we are using the Belt Squat Cover!
One of the only issues we have encountered with the Belt Squat Cover is its length. The BSC measure just shy of 37” long, which I find to be too short for something like my size large Spud Inc Belt Squat Belt. Because it is shorter than the belt, the ends will protrude from the cover.
While that might not seem like a large issue, for the Spud Inc Belt Squat Belt it is. The ends of the belt are melted to prevent the material from fraying, which results in them being extremely rigid and potentially sharp. This can cause significant amounts of pain and discomfort to the inner thighs when performing belt squats.
While the padding of the Belt Squat Cover helps to comfort the hips and back, the short length does nothing to protect the inner thigh from the ends of the belt. One way for AbMat to improve the Belt Squat Cover would be to offer it in different sizes. For example, this current version (37”) could be a size regular, and they could offer a larger size that is around 40-42”.
Personally, I would prefer the cover to be around five inches longer regardless of which belt I am using. This would help to add some much needed protection to the inner thighs when performing belt squats. Even when using my Rogue Fitness Belt Squat Belt, I still experience some discomfort where the unprotected parts of the belt make contact with my legs.
Overall, I have been extremely please with the AbMat Belt Squat Cover. If you have had any pain or discomfort from your belt when performing belt squats, I would absolutely recommend giving it a try! It has made belt squats much more enjoyable and help to us to push the exercise far more than we comfortably could prior to using the Belt Squat Cover!
For a more in-depth review, check out the video below!