Rogue Fitness 50 Cal Lever Arm Review! Good or Bad?

In this video we’ll be looking at one of my favorite pieces of equipment I’ve ever purchased for the garage gym, the Rogue Fitness 50 Cal Lever Arms! After using them almost every day for over a year we’ll go over some of my pro’s and con’s, as well as why I love them so much!

DIY Reverse Hyperextension | Garage Gym DIY

Today’s video is a tutorial on how to build your own Reverse Hyperextension machine! We cover exactly what tools and materials you will need for this DIY project, and walk you through the entire process step by step!

Elitefts American Camber Bar Review!

Could this be the best cambered multigrip bench bar on the market? Today we take a look at the Elitefts American Cambered Bar as we go over my initial thoughts and impressions!

Rep Fitness AB-5000 vs AB-4100 Bench Review!

Comparing the Rep Fitness AB-5000 Zero Gap Adjustable Bench to the newly released AB-4100 Adjustable bench! We cover the the different specs and features that each bench has to offer and much much more! Get yours today at the link in the description!

Bandbell RhinoFlex HD Barbell Review! (1 Year Later)

After owning and using the Bandbell RhinoFlex HD barbell for over a year, today we dive into a detailed review of the bar. In this video we’ll cover what makes this bar one of the most unique on the market, and why we think it’s such a great specialty bar to pick up!

DIY Earthquake/Bamboo Style Barbell | Garage Gym DIY

For this DIY video we’ll be making an earthquake or bamboo style barbell out of PVC! This build only costs around $30 and can be completed in an afternoon, so give it a try!

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